The Anglican Parish of Indian Bay consists of a group of volunteer members focused on being all they can be within the Anglican Church of God. We are friends on a mission with a common goal of spreading the Word of Christ throughout the communities we serve and wherever our online presence may take us. 
Lay Minister/Warden Leslie Pickett  Image Lay Minister/Warden - Leslie Pickett
Hi,  I was born on Fair Island by a midwife, Aunt  Barbara Hunt and baptized in the St. Barnabas Church there three months later. This church was dismantled after we resettled in Centreville in 1961, a  new church was completed in Centreville in 1964, still named St. Barnabas. Between 1961 and 1964 we utilized the elementary school basement for classes, indoor sports, concerts and worship on Sundays. This is where my confirmation took place, up on stage at the school. 
In 1968-69, I did a year of studies at M.U.N., then I went subject teaching grades 4-11 at Joe Batts Arm for a year, returning to M.U.N. to complete my B.A.ED degree. In 1973 I returned to Trinity subject teaching, mostly French, grades 4 to level 3 until 1996. During that time I worked with many grades within the school church and community, for example, started a French Club, organized school trips to St. Pierre and Quebec City, organized a youth church choir in Centreville  and Wareham, leader of the cub scout movement. Became a councilor for the town of Wareham, member of the public library board,  served on the vestry in Centreville and warden at the Wareham church for many years, parish representative on the Diocese Synod. Became a reviewer of financial books of the Parish of Indian Bay, some congregations, and ACW groups, helped serve meals at some fundraisers, visited seniors and shut-ins at their homes as well as senior homes in the area.
I am still active in lay ministry, Eucharistic Ministry, cross bearer, member of the parish council of Indian Bay, warder at St John the Baptist church, parish men's choir at St. John the Baptist. In other words we bloom where we are planted.
Last but not least I married my beautiful  wife Frances (Button) Pickett in 1971, we've been blessed with 3 wonderful children and 5 amazing grandchildren. I am very thankful to God for all these blessings and privileges He has given me to enjoy.
To everyone who reads this, I wish you all the best that this life has to offer, I hope and pray the God continues to walk with you and your families, as well as mine on the rest of our earthly journey as well as our spiritual journey. 

Lay Minister/ACW Frances Pickett Image Lay Minister/ACW - Frances Pickett
Hi, I was born on Silver Fox Island to Cecil and Hannah Button, their 13th child.
My Faith started on the island where I went to church with my Dad at 11:AM, Sunday School at 2:PM and then the whole family to the 6:30 PM service.
In 1959 we moved to Wareham and became active members of the St John the Baptist church. I attended St Augustine Central High school and completed grade 11, in 1971 I married Leslie Pickett of Centreville. We have been blessed with 2 daughters and 1 son; as well as 5 grandchildren.
I was involved as treasurer, ACW member and Sunday School teacher at St. Barnabas, we moved to Wareham in 1979 where I was a councilor on the Wareham Town  Council, also treasurer and deputy treasurer at the St. John the Baptist Church. I Wareham I have as well been a Sunday School teacher, leader of the Brownies, member of the Prayer Group, President and Treasurer of the ACW, ACW president of the Bonavista North District, Treasurer of the Diocesan  ACW, lay minister, Eucharistic Assistant,  Volunteer for VBS, choir member of the St. John the Baptist Church, as well as a member of the Indian Bay Joint Choir; and a delegate for the Diocesan Synod.
Thank you Jesus for all your blessings on me and my family. I pray the Lord will continue to give me the strength to be His Hands and Feet wherever I am needed. 

Lay Minister/Treasurer/Organist/ACW Gladys Hunt Image Lay Minister/Treasurer/Organist/ACW - Gladys Hunt
Hello Everyone, my name is Gladys Hunt (Bungay) and I am a member of St. Barnabas Anglican Church of Centerville.
My parents Emma and Lester Bungay along with my brothers Bob, Churnside, Lester and baby sister Grace and myself moved from Pork Island, Round Harbour/Sydney Cove and spent one year on Fair Island waiting for our family home to be relocated to the newly developed community of Centerville.
 This Hymn Book was presented to Gladys by her Grandfather in 1960, when she was 14. This Book of Common Praise was revised in 1938. Quite a treasure.
I completed my high school at St Agustine Central High in Trinity and from there moved on to Memorial University where I did my studies in early childhood education. (Primary) I spent 30 years in the teaching profession, 28 were in kindergarten. The other 2 from grades 2-4; I taught in Tilton CB, Dover, Corner Brook, Catalina and finally at Wareham-Centerville.
In 1967 I married, one could say my childhood sweetheart, Edgar John Hunt (now deceased) from Wareham, who had earlier moved from the island of Silver Fox. We had one daughter, Loretta Denise. Upon completion of high school she continued her studies in journalism at Carleton University in Ottawa where she met her husband Patrice Boivin. They have two wonderful boys, Stefan and Alin. Stefan graduated from The Art Institute of San Antonio Texas & B.C.. while Alin is studying grade eleven.
In my high school days I had taken music lessons from Frances Barrow, where I learned to play the organ and played for the first time on Nov 13th 1960 at St. John the Baptist Church in Wareham.
Currently I am the organist for St. John the Baptist Church, serve the parish as a Eucharistic Minister, Licensed Lay Minister, Treasurer for the St Barnabas Church as well as ACW president. My hobbies include reading and light gardening.
My Prayer now is that our wonderful Saviour will give me the health and strength to continue for a while yet.
Thanks to everyone for your continued support.
Respectfully Submitted
Gladys Hunt 

Lay Minister/Warden David Firmage Image Lay Minister/Warden - David Firmage

Lay Minister/ACW Trudy Collins Image Lay Minister/ACW - Trudy Collins

Lay Minister/Warden Arletta Hunt Image Lay Minister/Warden - Arletta Hunt

Warden Roland Button Image Warden - Roland Button

Warden  Winston Rogers Image Warden - Winston Rogers

Warden/ACW Margaret Parsons Image Warden/ACW - Margaret Parsons
I was born in Sydney Cove, a small town on Pork Island in Bonavista Bay.
It was there I began my journey with God and the church as a teenager. I grew up in Wareham and was confirmed at St. John the Baptist church. I got married to George Parsons in 1962 and had 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls, my husband George passed away in 1998.
In my adult life I taught Sunday School, sang in the choir, joined the vestry group, became president of our local ACW for many years, a position I hold now. Became Diocesan President and secretary of our district ACW.
I really enjoy volunteering for all our church functions, I am currently a warden for the St. Albans church.
In the words of an old familiar hymn .......... .......... ....He Leadeth me.

Warden  Abbie Norris Image Warden - Abbie Norris

Warden  Charlie Parsons Image Warden - Charlie Parsons

Treasurer for Parish Michelle Brown Image Treasurer for Parish - Michelle Brown

Treasurer/Warden Kenneth P Brown (Kenny) Image Treasurer/Warden - Kenneth P Brown (Kenny)


Kenny was born at Brookfield Hospital and raised in Trinity B. Bay. Upon graduation from St. Augustine High School in 1981, he joined The Canadian Armed Forces, he traveled throughout Canada, working and or visiting all provinces and territories. He  was posted back to Newfoundland in1995 and resided in Gander for the next seven years, where he visited Trinity as often as he  could.
After retiring in 2003, he moved to Corner Brook until 2014; from there he relocated back to his hometown of Trinity. He started attending St. Alban's Church and was asked to do an occasional reading. Later on he agreed to become Treasurer and took over from Yvonne Rideout, he learned from Yvonne until the end of 2019 and became Treasurer  fulltime in 2020.
Since then he took additional  responsibilities and in Jan 2022 he became the sexton.

Treasurer  Joanne Parsons Image Treasurer - Joanne Parsons

Treasurer for Wareham Rick Waterman Image Treasurer for Wareham - Rick Waterman


Eucharistic Ministry/Organist/ACW Treasurer Marilyn Rideout Image Eucharistic Ministry/Organist/ACW Treasurer - Marilyn Rideout
Greetings from Marilyn Rideout,
I am the eldest of five children, born to parents Joseph and Madge Dowden of Glovertown. At an early age I had an interest in music, so my Dad bought an organ for me, after a few music lessons my interest began to diminish. The cost of the lessons at $4.00 per a one half hour secession was a lot of money for my parents to come up with fifty years ago, so that was the end of music for me.
I married William Rideout from Trinity and we were blessed with a son and a daughter. Both of our children were musically inclined and thanks to Vera Penny. who had moved here to take a position as the music teacher, both children became involved. This sparked my interest in music again, we brought the old organ down from Glovertown and the lessons began.
A few years later, Trinity was without a Church organist so I began to learn a few hymns. My angel of a mother-in-law, Hilda, would sit and knit and I would try to play hymns. She could tell every note that I missed, and believe me there were many. I attended church when I was  a child, but not of the Anglican faith. it took me awhile to learn the wording and tunes to the hymns.
I became a Sunday School teacher and when the old school closed, I opened Sunday School in my kitchen, until we were overflowing with children. Thanks to St. Alban's vestry they saw the need and a room was made ready at our then Parish Hall. At this time I also started a  junior choir and what a blessing it was. Every Wednesday afternoon the school bus would stop near our home and 15 to 20 children would meet for practice.
For the past 30 years i have been the organist at St. Alban's Church in Trinity.
I direct both the joint and the men's choir.
I am a chairperson of our cemetery committee.
I am treasurer of St, Agatha's ACW.
In December 2019 I answered the call to be an Eucharist Assistant.
With God's help I will serve our Church and Parish.

Eucharistic Ministry Veronica Rogers Image Eucharistic Ministry - Veronica Rogers

Organist Eileen Oldford Image Organist - Eileen Oldford

Organist Josephine Winters Image Organist - Josephine Winters

Photographer/videographer/Facebook Editor & Chief Ian Brackstone Image Photographer/videographer/Facebook Editor & Chief - Ian Brackstone


Hi Everyone, Blessings to you all…
Who am I, well I am a guy from the UK, born in Wales in a town called Caerphilly. I arrived here in 2016 to share my hobby of photography with a wonderful Lady I met on a FaceBook Gardening group (Rhyna Cutler), yes FaceBook, there are good sides to Social Media if used correctly.
Rhyna invited me over to tour the island taking photos of all sorts of things but initially Icebergs! The rest as many know is history now having been here 9years (2025) and now a Canadian Citizen. I enjoy gardening, photography and being out on the Ocean
A little of my History, joined the Royal Navy from school, sadly it did not work out for me and left after just over 6 months, served apprenticeship as electrician then joined Oil Company Shell and served 33 years with them mostly offshore, until retirement in 2012.
3 marriages, sadly my wife passed away in 2015 from cancer.
Newfoundland is my home my life, I serve our parish in what ever way I can, god bless everyone.
I live stream funerals on FaceBook if requested, I believe in helping those who cannot come and say goodbye to their loved ones, to date (Jan 2025) 87 streams.