90th Anniversary
The foundation for St. Alban's Anglican Church was started July 2nd 1932. However the church as a
people exited prior to this date when services were held in the school chapel.
St. Alban's was officially opened in early 1940. The first marriage was Hedley
Brenton and Winnifred Wiseman on July 15th1940. The first Baptisms recorded were
Hubert Theodore Bungay and Robert Clyde Rogers on August 11th 1940.

St. Alban's the Martyr Church was consecrated on September 14th 1958 by Bishop Seaborn. The hall
portion was deconsecrated on February 28th 1958 by Bishop Mark Genge. St
Alban's was part of the Parish of Greenspond  until 1967 and then it
became a part of the four churches in the Parish of Indian Bay.

The 90th Anniversary service was officiated by Bishop John Watton and Rev Daphne Parsons on July
10th 2022.